"I don't think he did this consciously, it was a gift which came to him, and he felt in the depths of his being that gifts should continually be passed on. He photographed the apparently unseen. And when it was there in his photos it was more than visible."
John Berger from Tribute to Cartier-Bresson; 2004 "And the pity and disgust that pictures /.../ inspire should not distract you
from asking what pictures, whose cruelties, whose deaths are not being shown." Susan Sonntag from Regarding the Pain of Others; 2003 "The subject of ...[Friedmann's]... photojournalism, we must continually remind ourselves, is not there, is not in fact the visible but the invisible: what has been repressed and will not be spoken. It appears always at the edge of the frame or in the uneasy negotiation among the space of origin, the framed space of the work, and the social space to which it has been removed, which is also the cultural space, of the aesthetic."
Michael Palmer from Active Boundaries: Poetry at the Periphery; 1992 |